Foundation Staff Speakers
Need an engaging speaker or session for an upcoming event or conference? We are here for you!
Foundation Speakers
As a thought leader in the credit union movement, the Foundation has experienced and knowledgeable staff members who can provide engaging and relevant content to your organization or event.
Our staff has presented highly-rated sessions and workshops at hundreds of conferences around the world.
Learn more about our staffSpeaking Topics
Our staff is able to present on a variety of relevant and important topics for the credit union movement such as:
Financial well-being
The Foundation presents on topics surrounding financial well-being such as: The Real State of Members’ Financial Well-Being, Health, Wealth & Place: The Data Needed for CU Advocacy, and The Strategy for Financial Well-Being.
Exploring your “why”
The Foundation presents on topics such as Exploring Empathy, Exploring our Roots and Exploring Why™ Workshops.
The Foundation presents on Strategic Philanthropy: mission-Focused Giving & Outreach to align your mission with community outreach.
Additional Information
We would be happy to provide you with additional information around any of the mentioned topics above including session content and pricing.
Get in touch
For more information on booking a Foundation speaker
Contact Traci O’Neill, Executive Assistant

Traci serves as the Executive Assistant to Lauren Culp, as well as the Corporate Secretary and liaison to the Foundation Board of Directors.