National Credit Union Foundation Seeks Candidates for Board of Directors – 2021
The National Credit Union Foundation is currently seeking candidates for its volunteer Board of Directors. Six board seats are either vacant or have terms expiring at the end of 2021. Two of those are appointed seats by CUNA and the State Credit Union Foundation Network (SCUF), respectively. The remaining four seats are eligible to receive declarations of candidacy. To be considered, applications must be received by 5 pm CT on Thursday, October 28, 2021.
The Foundation serves as the charitable arm of the U.S. credit union movement, working to improve people’s financial lives through credit unions.
“This is an exciting time to join our board,” said Executive Director Gigi Hyland. “The political, health and environmental events of the last few years have laid bare the persistent financial inequities of our country, and the Foundation is laser-focused on helping credit unions address these issues.”
“We rely upon our directors to provide strategic counsel to the Foundation and to advocate in support of its mission and work. Our board’s input and guidance are integral to our system’s collective ability to build stronger financial well-being for all.”
The seats and qualifications for each available seat are as follows:
- Seat 4: Credit union executive or director. Candidates must currently be and remain an executive officer or director of a credit union. This seat is vacant.
- Seat 6: Credit union executive or director. Candidates must currently be and remain an executive officer or director of a credit union. David Birky, EVP/Chief Strategy Officer of Interra Credit Union, currently holds this seat and has indicated he will run as an incumbent.
- Seat 12: System affiliate. Candidates must be and remain a director or executive officer of an organization that is national in scope, that has its primary purpose to be support of credit unions or some element of the credit union movement; that has a significant portion of its ownership or membership from the credit union system, and that has demonstrated a commitment to the purposes of the Foundation. Dean Young, EVP/Chief Experience Officer of PSCU, currently holds this seat and has indicated he will run as an incumbent.
- Seat 15: Credit union executive or director or system affiliate or at large. Candidates must be and remain (i) an executive officer or director of a credit union, or (ii) a director or executive officer of an organization that is national in scope, that has as its primary purpose support of credit unions or some element of the credit union movement, that has a significant portion of its ownership or membership from the credit union system and that has demonstrated a commitment to the purposes of the Foundation, or (iii) a representative of an organization outside of the credit union system that has demonstrated a commitment to the purposes of the Foundation (“At-large”). Teresa Campbell, President/CEO of San Diego County Credit Union, currently holds this seat and has indicated she will run as an incumbent.
Interested parties are encouraged to download the nominations packet below and send completed applications to Traci O’Neill, [email protected].
*The window for nominations has closed.