Board Member Spotlight: David Birky
David Birky serves as a Director on the Foundation Board and serves as EVP/Chief Strategy Officer of Interra Credit Union in Goshen, IN.
Learn more about David and his passion for the Foundation and credit unions below:
What piqued your interest in joining the Foundation Board?
Our entire credit union participated in the day-long Exploring Why seminar offered through the Foundation. This was an incredibly powerful day for so many members of our team. The Foundation team found ways to remind us why credit unions were founded in the first place – to help those who need a hand up. This Foundation experience helped me rediscover what it means to be a purpose-drive organization, and when I had an opportunity to join the Foundation Board, I did not hesitate.
What are you most proud of during your time on the Foundation Board?
This is a critical juncture for the Foundation, and I am very pleased to have been part of the Board during the Foundation’s transition to a new Executive Director. The accomplishments of the former Executive Director are inspirational, and it is vital that we find ways to build on that legacy. With Lauren Culp at the helm of the Foundation, we have a chance to shape the future of the Foundation, and I am very excited about the potential that the future holds.
What is the Foundation’s most important role within the credit union system?
The Foundation is incredibly well-positioned to remind everyone within the credit union industry of the power of saying yes. When we accept the challenges that present themselves and say yes to trying to make things better for those who are less fortunate, we are rekindling the very essence of the credit union movement. The Foundation has the recognition and cache to shine a bright light on the work that needs to be done in building real financial inclusion initiatives.
Why do you think it’s important for the credit union system to support the Foundation and its work?
I used to believe that if I wasn’t the direct cause of a particular problem, it wasn’t up to me to fix it. I now believe that if we are in a position of power and authority, we have a responsibility to use the money and resources at our disposal to make a meaningful difference in the communities we serve. The Foundation, with its expertise and connections, is perfectly positioned to multiply the efforts of all credit unions across the country to truly make a difference.
What inspires you to continue your work within the credit union system?
My career has traversed a broad swath of industries, including healthcare, investment banking and bond portfolio management. However, it was not until I joined Interra credit union that I felt I’d found a place where I belong. Credit Unions are the first place where my personal values truly aligned with the mission and vision of the organization. Credit Unions make a substantial difference in so many people’s lives each day, and I am fortunate to have found a place where I fit in.
What’s one thing – either industry-related or not – you learned in the last 6-12 months?
As a more senior member of our Executive Team, I have found that some of my more meaningful interactions are with managers who are earlier in their careers. I have learned that in the second half of life, what’s important is much less about personal accomplishment and much more about the legacy we leave behind. It has been very rewarding to spend time helping younger managers learn to navigate the challenges of corporate life and to help them develop and grow.
What is your favorite hobby?
I am an avid cyclist. My favorite type of cycling is road riding, but I am getting much better at mountain biking. I even have a fat bike, which has 4.5” tires, that allows me to continue to ride outside in the snow. I typically round more than 4,000 miles each year and some of my favorite rides are to destinations (like a brewery) where our spouses meet us for dinner and give us a ride home.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I have practiced Anusara yoga for more than a decade. I started practicing yoga to help with my running, and kept at it because I generally felt so much better. I am partial to flow yoga, which is more athletically demanding, and greatly enjoy hot yoga as well.