Help Your Members Save During America Saves Week
America Saves Week is here! This week is dedicated to encouraging individuals to take a look at their financials and make a plan to save to improve their financial well-being. The Foundation is proud to participate and support America Saves as part of our mission to empower credit unions to put financial well-being at the center of their strategy.
Participants have access to numerous educational sources available on the America Saves website and are encouraged to take the pledge to create & commit to a saving plan for the next year. Each day this week, America Saves will highlight a different way to save and how it can be accomplished.
Daily Themes
Monday: Save Automatically
America Saves Week begins with “Save Automatically”. Setting up an automatic transfer to a savings account is the easiest way to save since people don’t have to think about it and it’s done for them whenever they choose, whether it be daily, weekly or monthly. View these additional resources on saving automatically:
Tuesday: Save for the Unexpected
Being prepared for the unexpected is more important than ever. With 78% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, a surprise car repair or medical bill can be financially devastating. Start small but think big and begin with a goal to save just $500 for a rainy day. Learn how to start your savings journey and why it’s important to save for the unexpected:
Wednesday: Save to Retire
It’s never too early to start saving for retirement! The earlier you start, the better off you’ll be once you approach retirement age. Creating a plan so you can live the lifestyle you want in retirement is just one way to get started. Take the America Saves pledge here and learn what questions you should ask while planning for retirement:
Questions to Ask Yourself When Saving for Retirement
Thursday: Save by Reducing Debt
While it may not seem like it, paying down debt IS saving! By reducing your debt, you’re saving on interest, avoiding late payment fees, and maintaining or improving your credit score. Learn more about the importance of prioritizing debt and how one family did that with the materials below:
Friday: Save as a Family
The final day of America Saves Week focuses on how to save as a family! There are many different ways to teach your children good savings habits early to help influence their personal savings habits later. You can also teach them how to save by setting savings goals as a family. Listen to one family’s journey and read about a few easy methods of how to teach your children how to save:
The Foundation is proud to join over 1,700 participating organizations in this year’s America Saves Week. Remember to take the America Saves pledge here and start working towards your savings goals for 2021 today!