Tradition is the albatross around the neck of progress

By: Chad Helminak, Foundation Chief Impact Officer
May 2nd was a big day for the National Credit Union Foundation because it was the start of our first in-person Development Education (DE) program since 2019. It was thrilling to be face to face again and share that excitement and energy with our amazing participants.
Like you, our team at The Foundation had to pivot and evolve our work during the pandemic. One example of this was the creation of our virtual DE program. We held six programs online since Q3 2020 and helped more than 240 credit union leaders earn their Credit Union Development Education (CUDE) designation. As we return to in-person, I have been asked often about whether we will continue to offer the virtual DE program.
The pandemic forced us all to make changes to our behaviors and environments that we would have never dreamed of changing. As we calibrate to a post-pandemic world, we must take care to consider what we carry forward and what we leave behind.